Saturday, February 2, 2008

Another cold day in the Yukon

Happy Saturday everyone!

It has been the coldest week of this winter, it is so cold that I'm scared to start my car. I had to take unpaid "vacation" because I can't get to work. I work in Whitehorse and that's about 50 miles drive. So now I'm bound to my cabin and that has also some good sides.

I've done some cross stitching (see on the left), I love this little blue and very mad bird. If the temperature doesn't go up I will be able to finish that project in no time.

I'm also taking courses towards accounting designation and having some extra time to study is a blessing. It's to bad that the urge to cross stitch is much grater than to study.


  1. He does look mad, but also cute. Happy stitching today! Stay warm!

  2. Welcom to the world of Blogging. I too LOVE San Francisco, I would like to live there again.
    Your birdie is really cute.

  3. What a cute bird! I really like this one.

  4. I love that mad little bird! I am going to have to stitch him sometime.
    It has been really really cold here in Idaho as well. I am ready for warmer weather!

  5. Thank you for visiting my blog. It got a little warmer and I decided to go to work. There is so much stash I want to buy!!!

    Rene, we have to make a date to meet in San Francisco! How about a year from now? I have to think more about that.

    And please check my blog often to see how my little blue bird is developing.

    Cheers for now,

  6. Nice start to your blog. Your blue bird is quite pretty and am sure it makes you think of spring when you stitch on him! I will add your blog to my gmail reader and will be notified when you add an entry!


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