Monday, September 20, 2010

Evalina went to Dawson!!!

Finally, after  almost 6 years in the Yukon, I've visited Dawson City. Not only I visited this city but also I went a little further, right to the Top of the World!
Last Saturday morning Freddy and I jumped into the car and  headed north. First 100 miles were kind of boring since I traveled this route many times.As usual we stopped at Braburn Lodge but this time we didn't have that huge cinnamon bun, instead we ordered a hamburger. It wasn't a normal size hamburger!!! It was at least 4 times bigger (Braburn Lodge is famous from oversized meals)!!! Sure enough, our hunger was more than satisfied  with just one burger split for two, believe me!

Our next stop was the Agate Trail:

It was an awesome little hike to the almost dry creek. We even pick up a few very nice looking stones. Since raw gems are looking much different than the polished ones I have no idea what I picked... but surely my stones look very pretty and unusual.

And we stopped by the 5 Fingers Rapids. It is the first time I saw them not being frozen...

and here some wild flowers still blooming!
After that we drove past miles and miles of burned forest, to sad looking for the picture.

Finally we arrived to Dawson City

just in time for dinner. 

Drunken Goat is a Greek cuisine owned by Greek people. It was the best meal I had in the Yukon!

After a whole day driving (we left home around 10 AM and arrived to Dawson around 7:30 PM) and dinner - we were a little tired, checking in to Aurora Inn seemed like a smart thing to do. That jaccuzi suite was very impressive! We light some candles and slipped into that jaccuzi... it felt heavenly! With a bottle of champagne we celebrate our (early) 17th anniversary. 

We woke up to a quite chilly morning and decided to go to the top of the world! To get to there we had to take a very small ferry across the river

 and we were on our way! Here is a lovely picture of road to Dawson:

and a whole Dawson City:

A lovely surprise! An owl on the top of the tree!

That "white stuff" is a fog over Dawson City. It look much more dramatic in reality that it looks on the picture.

The hills looked almost like a soft velvet...

And finally we were above the tree line

 That is the spot were Mel and I suppose to stitch last July in the midnight sun... Just imagine how cool that would be... well, maybe some other summer.

And of course I have to share with you a few pics of the flora on the top of the world:

and a picture of our shadows on the top of the world (I thought it is a very cool picture of us)

It was time to get back to Dawson City. Here is a typical street (they are not paved!)

Freddy at Robert's Service cabin

Of course I had to visit Jack's London cabin

Have a look inside:

I brought with me my Kobo (digital e-reader) so I can read Call of the Wild in the place were he wrote it.

and it was time to say goodbye...

We took a short ride on the Dempster Highway

The road condition wasn't the best one, after driving for 10 miles or so we turned around and decided to go back home leaving that trip for the next summer adventure. Maybe in July I can stitch on the Dempster Highway in the midnight sun? We'll see...


  1. Thanks for taking me on vacation with you! Great photos!

  2. Sounds like a great trip and the photos were great, so nice and clear up there.

  3. What an awesome trip. The scenery is absolutely stunning!

  4. Wow! What an amazing trip! Great pictures! The scenery is amazing!

  5. There sure is something to be said about the North. Wonderful pictures. Thank you for sharing.
    Be always in stitches.

  6. Really great photo's love the flora pictures and Jack Landon's cabin is really cool too.

    Mary Louise

  7. Such beautiful pictures! I've always wanted to drive up there. Thanks for sharing!

  8. so awesome Evalina!!!
    I'm soo glad that you and Freddy went up there (but also sad that I couldn't make our stitchy weekend happen, another time).

    Your pictures are amazing. And I just love how open it all is. Glad you had a great time.

  9. What an awesome trip! Thanks for sharing!
    Up north is one of those places I'd love to visit, it always looks so gorgeous and stunning.

  10. What an amazing trip! I loved the pics. Thanks so much for sharing them with us.

  11. Great pictures - sounds like a wonderful trip!

  12. Thank you for sharing all of the beautiful pics you took on your getaway. Looks like you had a wonderful time.


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