As you enter into the new year, what
would you like to do/make/have/be more often? How will you bear witness
and celebrate the tiny milestones? How will you respond on the occasions when your intentions do not come to pass?
Today's prompt is very intriguing, shades of gray - I DO NOT like gray, I love black and white. I do not have time for gray, I do not like head games, I just want to know: right or left, good or bad, black or white. Now, as I'm typing these words, I see that I'm missing a whole rainbow of colours...
In the 2015 I would love to be more calm, talk less and listen more, stitch more and spend more time on my spiritual study. I would love to finish more projects, improve my writing skills and start to write a memoir (Why not? It would be awesome to read it when I'm very old and my memory starts fading). I think I should have all my goals and point by point a 'road map' how to accomplish them written down, then I will know when I achieve a little milestone. And if something doesn't go the way I intended - so be it, I will find another way...
The hectic pace of our lives can make it difficult to remain
connected to the things and the people that matter the most to us. We
get wrapped up in our work or our busyness and connection falls by the
How have you created and/or sustained connections in your life this year?
Connections are very important part of my life and I'm trying to be active. You know, if I do not write to somebody - nobody will write to me, if I do not call anyone - no one will call me, if I do not visit blogs - other bloggers will not visit mine.
show your self(ie)
There was a time when I loved to be photographed, now I'm the one who hides behind the camera...
biting back
if the gloves were off, how you really would have liked to have dealt with them?
Wow, have you watched '
Kill Bill' with Uma Thurman? Well, I wish I could bite back the way The Bride did. Unfortunately I do not bite back and I do not 'get even' either. I stitch. With each new unpleasantness I have a new project going. I'm starting new projects not only when I'm in trouble or unhappy. Each time I have something to think about it, something to resolve or plan - my hands are getting busy with stitching. Here is progress on my newest piece:
So long my friends,