Saturday, January 3, 2009

12 days of Christmas... continued

I have no idea where all days have gone. It is already 10th day of Christmas and surly I did enjoy every one of them. On Monday I’m going back to work and everything is going back to normal. It is very cold in the Yukon, yesterday was record low for this winter, -41°C. Last Friday I bought myself seat warmer for the car and what a difference! Instead of sitting on the ice cold seat my butt gets warm and cozy.

And I started on the new project, Asian Scene designed by Nicholas Charles.

For the first time I tried to start stitching from the centre part of the chart and of course I started to stitch it up side down… I noticed my mistake after 3 days of stitching and there was a lot of frogging… Everything would be fine if the rusty background wasn’t pre-printed, but it was, and the 9 characters on the left side are stitched beside that colour square and there was no other way but rip-it, rip-it, rip-it for a whole afternoon. After all I decided to grid part of the fabric and I started my usual way from the top left corner. Here is the new WIP:


  1. I hope that the frogs have gone. What you have done so far looks wonderful. I hope that you are ableto stay nice and toasty in all that cold.

  2. all right it seam's as thou someone
    let out a big batch of frogs!I have them too. wish you the best on the project and can't wait to see the progress

  3. Sorry the frogs came to visit. It looks like a nice piece.

  4. Cool piece - sorry about the frogs!

  5. Looks wonderful. Sorry you had to frog but it still looks wonderful.

  6. I can't believe that with preprinted fabric, they didn't have very good instructions for telling which side is up! You still made LOTS of progress for having to frog! When I had leather seats I had a seat warmer and it was heaven! Now I have clothe and I have an auto car starter. It's heaven when I remember to start the car before I have to leave, so it's a little warmer in there! I hate the MI winters, I can't imagine the Yukon with -40 degrees! Brrrrr, keep warm.!!!


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