Wednesday, February 6, 2013


Darn it! My blog was hit by spammers. I hate  the word verification so I did not turned that thing on but from now on I will moderate all comments and only followers can comment on my posts.  I will see how this will work, hopefully no other restrictions will be necessary. 

If you have a trouble leaving comment please send me a note to magicnorth at hotmail dot com. The link to my email is in my profile.

So long my friends,


  1. Spammers found me since day one. I have a new verification that only makes posters verify if it thinks they are spammers. It tends to pick up people with hotmail accounts, but other than that, it's fairly accurate. Good luck.

  2. Trying this again. Hope it works.

  3. Мне тоже стали надоедать спамеры...

  4. I make the same experience,it makes me really angry. I hope you've found the right way to avoid them. Have a good time.

  5. Hope it all goes better now for your blog. I've had a couple spammers leave a message on my blog but that's it. You have a great weekend.

  6. What a cute pic you found to convey your feelings towards the spammers!

  7. I hate spammers. I also use the "approve comments" feature before they publish just so I can weed spam out. Ugh. ~Angela

  8. How frustrating. A few weeks ago I got hit by spammers too so I followed Laurie's advice and changed my settings so only those with a google account could comment.

    I haven't had a problem since (touch wood).

  9. I hate them too! I also refuse to use the word verification cuz I hate it so I moderate my posts too. Now I just delete those comments when they come to my inbox.

    Good Luck!


Thank you for leaving your comments. They mean a world to me, keep me inspired and motivated.