Thursday, October 17, 2013

Rising Star

For some time I'm following Cathy's blog. I absolutely love her writing style and sense of humor. She just published her first novel and I can't wait to read it.

If you do not want to wait for my review you can buy this ebook on amazon and kobo. (more links on Cathy's blog)

I do a lot of SALs (stitch-a-long), does anyone would like to do RAL (read-a-long) with me?

So long my friends,


  1. Oh thank you for the blog link...I am now a fan of her's, too. I love her writing style, it's like she is sitting right next to you talking to it!

    Your pumpkin finish on the last post is so would make a good filet crochet pattern, too.

    Blessings always sweet friend.

  2. Eeeeee! Or should I say SQUEEEEE!!! Thanks for the shout-out! You've made me sooooo happy. Hugs to you my dear northern friend! :)


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