Monday, March 10, 2014

Say goodbye to dementia

Wouldn't it be great if we could say we found a cure for the most ugly disease that turns normal people to wackos and eventually kills them?

This week we're celebrating The 2014 National Wormhole Week  hosted by fantastic authors - Stephen Tremp, Alex Cavanaugh and L. Diane Wolfe. Whole weekend I was thinking what I should write about and then I had a light bulb moment - nanotechnology!

According to Alzheimer Society Canada

  • As of 2010, more than 35.6 million people worldwide are living with dementia, or more than the total population of Canada.
  • The global prevalence of dementia stands to double every 20 years, to 65.7 million in 2030, and 115.4 million in 2050.
  • Total health-care costs for people with dementia amount to more than 1 per cent of the global gross domestic product (GDP), or US$604 billion in 2010.
 Scary, eh? Now, just imagine... there is a tiny pill with tiny little robots inside, all kinds of robots. Some are designed to work in your guts, some in the arteries, longs, kidneys, liver, pancreas, heart and finally the brain. You swallow the pill and they start working without you realizing what's going on in your body but hour after hour you feel better and better. They clean your guts from unwanted parasites and bacterias, clean your arteries, remove any plaques from the brain make sure all connections are working properly. It's a maintenance program for our body, just like we have a maintenance program for our car. When the work is done all robots go to the spleen, getting deactivated and leave our body.

Of course there is a risk involved. Like with all technology there are sometimes unpredictable failures and sometimes that technology can be used by criminals to target and kill some individuals.

I gave you food for thought, now you can let your imagination go wild.

So long my friends,


  1. I hope the people with the medical knowledge to create that little pill get around to it in our lifetime.

  2. This would be the most wonderful pill in all the world! I hope it comes into being a reality for it would save so many people and stop so much suffering. :)

    Blessings to you always sweet friend.

  3. That reminds me of Arthur C Clarkes, RAMA series, with its octospiders who did something similar. Medical tech to clean our bodies would be great, but control is the issue, and there will always be an evil doctor or scientist. . . Enjoyed your post.

  4. It would be so wonderful if they come up with a pill. My Dad died the other year after suffering with this for two years .
    It is not easy on the family .

  5. My aunt suffers from dementia, which is sad as she used to be a brilliant teacher.

  6. I think this is really in our future, maybe not so far away. Of course, I watched all the Stargate shows so we know how evil those nanobots can become.

  7. Someone else mentioned the nanobots. That would be a great way to help so many people.

  8. Dementia is not pretty. Every little bit of research helps. The best part is that as research into dementia and brain function continues lots of wonderful information is gathered that can help in many aspects of learning. We have already learned so much about long term memory and how to retrieve almost forgotten information. This reaches into a wide range of medical situations such as recovery from stroke, recovery from accidents, and illnesses.

  9. Excellent food for thought! It's a very good idea. It would be wonderful if we could eliminate dementia entirely, as well as repair damage caused by strokes and head injuries. Nanotech might be one solution to this sort of thing, at least until someone figured out how to hack into those little robots and make them do completely other things...

  10. There is one known cure for Alzheimer's: GRAZOPH TEMUNA, The nutraceutical clears brain of plaques, eliminates poisonous metals, leaves a brain refreshed. At the end of the treatment, the Alzheimer's skin color of silver white is vanquished and normal orange skin returns. Liver spots are washed out. Brain decay ends - some mental functions return. GRAZOPH TEMUNA (this product is being renamed EXPELLIT) both cures and prevents Alzheimer's, at any stage. Taking Grazoph later in life prevents alzheimer's and strokes. The latest person cured by Grazoph is Mel Villalobos' wife. If you want to verify this, call Mel at 805-758-1940. Mel only paid $130 for her treatment.

  11. There's a pill I heard about on the news, only yesterday, which is being tested. It can tell someone if they're headed for dementia up to three years before they get it. Not sure if then, then are treated with something to prevent it or it just allows them to prepare for it. What you have proposed sounds much more helpful! X

  12. Dementia is a big killer and I believe there may be a blood test to detect if a person will contract this disease or not in the future. Hopefully it will be prevented before it happens.
    We now live in an age where everyone expects to live a long life, be it for good or bad. We can't cure everything. Even now we are experiencing the fact that our bodies are becoming immune to antibiotics. It's all a race against time.

  13. Nanotechnology!! I read this in a spy book of some sort and it would be amazing if it really exists to fix all our body's problems. Dementia and Alzheimer's disease is just awful. My grandfather passed away from Alz. Thankfully he wasn't violent at all however, his memory was wiped out and in the end couldn't function. So sad.

  14. Hope I'm better late than never here...
    Touchin and thought provoking. If Nano tech can save us, I hope we harness it soon and hope we don't let it be our ruin.
    Good post.

  15. Such a great post.... Very hard on families watching love ones like that!

  16. I have been living through the horrible decline of my mother for the past 3.5 years. She's been in a nursing home for 3 of those years. Also as a retired nurse I know from the clinical standpoint the devastation it does to the patients, families and friends.


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