Monday, April 14, 2014

A to Z Challenge - Lunenburg

Today I'm taking you to Nova Scotia, to a beautiful Lunenburg. I've never been there myself but I'm hoping to visit this part of Canada in September. That's only 4 months away!

So long my friends,


  1. I love any village on the water. That looks like a great one!

  2. Le film de Nova Scotia est très beau merçi de partage avec nous Marie-Claire

  3. How wonderful! It's quite near MacAusland's Woolen Mill on PEI..I've always wanted to go there. Well, it's nearer than I am now -grin-.

  4. That's an amazing-looking place. When I go to Canada in the next two years, I'll keep your post in mind, and hope for a visit :)

    Damyanti, Co-host A to Z Challenge April 2014, My Latest post

    Twitter: @AprilA2Z

  5. Wow! Lunenburg, looks like such a beautiful place. Hope you get to visit it soon.
    Hope you are having a great time reading, writing and connecting with fellow A to Zers, EvalinaMaria:)
    A Rose is a Rose is a Rose!
    Co-Host AJ's wHooligan for the A to Z Challenge 2014


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