And it feels so good! It is sunny almost 24 hours a day, is green everywhere and wild roses are in a full bloom. I love going for walks, every breath I take is filled with the smell of roses.
That's near my cabin (yes, I leave in the cabin). All ditches are full of roses...
and all the way along my gravel road (that's the road that takes me from my cabin to Alaska Highway). Drive it at least twice a day (to and from work). It's very dusty in the summer and lovely white in the winter. Our summers are very short so for most of the year (from October to May) I'm driving on the white road...
Yep I'm back to school! I took almost a year off, my mind was wondering what to do next... and I decided to continue with courses towards my accounting designation. It is an awful long and bumpy road to CGA. Now, when I'm thinking about my university years, they seem like a kindergarten... Mind you, I was much younger then I didn't have to work. Now is working full time plus studying with a very little time for stitching...
Yesterday was my first day without the brace (torture chamber as one of my readers called it) and it was good. I even stitch for half an hour! Next time I will have an update picture! I'm still working on Computer Catastrophes and I'm sure I will work on it for a very long time! During our long weekend I will finish mail art I'm doing for my stitching buddy but the picture you will see after I know she received it. You know, she reads my blog and I do not want to spoil the surprise!
I know it sounds silly, but I love to celebrate everything and my birthday specially! I do it for 12 days starting July 16. For some reason I couldn't wait and I have to buy myself a gift. Maybe because I couldn't stitch, maybe because I was feeling so much pity for myself or maybe because I made a decision about going back to school, I do not know. But I know I love photography and I know I wanted a good camera for a long time. I have a nice Sony, kind "point and shoot", taking nice pictures... but I wanted something better than that. So yesterday I splurge for another Sony but this time it is (my first ever) digital SLR (single-lens reflex)!
The battery is charging and I can't wait to put it to use! Stay tuned for more pictures and a ♥GIVEAWAY♥. Yep, you are reading right! For my birthday I will hold a giveaway and it will be a very special one. More about it in the next post.
So long my friends,