Thursday, July 30, 2009

The birthday celebration goes on

Look what I found in my mailbox today! It came all the way from Finland! Thank you so much Wilma. You have brighten my day. This kit was on my wish list for a while, now I can't wait to start stitching it. It is full of roosters and sunflowers and is design by my favorite designer, Sandy Orton.

And I could not believe my eyes, all the floss is already sorted!


  1. Beautiful sunflowers. Looks like you'll need to update your wishlist...lucky you!

  2. OH I am absolutely jealous of you, that's gorgeous. Oh, it's got roosters on it too. YOU"RE SO BLESSED, LOL.

  3. A kit that is already sorted??? A stitcher's dream!

  4. Wow!! I think we might have to start a Sandy Orton fan club!! I sure love her stuff, and have several of her charts ... although not this one ... must ... not ... go ... look ... oh dear, I think it's hopeless. What's this one called???


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