Friday, May 31, 2013

Canada and I

Today is the day! Twenty years ago for the first time I put my foot on the Canadian soil and since then I've never left Canada. When I'm looking back I see a young woman, a little scared, a little disappointed but with the open mind and heart for the new adventure. So far I have seen most of this beautiful land (except Maritimes - that's my project for the next year), have learned about many cultures and got cured from feeling sorry for the natives. It wasn't always easy, there were times when I was looking for a job, when I just 'survived' between the first and last day of the month but somehow always the next day was better than the previous one. And there were fun times like driving across the country, watching boxing with Jamaicans, buying my first car, being on the 'top of the world', having maple syrup for the first time, and so on. I love Canada, I love the freedom and stability I have here and I am so very proud to be Canadian. Happy 20 anniversary to me!

So long my friends,


  1. Very pretty piece! Great job on it

  2. Happy anniversary! And I love the piece you stitched!

  3. Yes, happy congratulations on a great milestone. And many more celebrations to come.

  4. Happy anniversary, Evalina! Here's to many more pleasant years in the sweet north.

  5. Congratulations to the anniversary! Yous stiching is beuatiful.

  6. I love the piece you stitched Evalina. Are you working on Good Morning yet? My ex FIL owned a fishing resort in Horsefly, BC in the seventies. I went up there twice but never did and sightseeing.


  7. Happy 20! That's just wonderful that you found a place that feels like home. :)

    I love your stitching, it's so pretty.

    Happy Weekend and blessings always dear friend.

  8. Congratulations to you! You SHOULD feel proud! Some of my best friends are Canadians! :) And I am an American! ;)

  9. Congratulations on that milestone Evalina, you should definitely be proud... and I love your Canada Stitch :)

  10. Sounds like a great decision you made 20 years ago, I'm happy for you. May you have another happy 20 years.

  11. Congrats on the Canada finish and your 20 years in Canada!

  12. Happy 20 years in Canada. What a pretty stitch!

  13. Congratulations on the milestone Evalina, and may you have many more happy years in your adoptive country.

  14. Congratulations on 20 years! Just in April we celebrated 60 years in Canada...a huge milestone for my siblings and I. We came from the Netherlands.

    My hubby and I travelled across Canada in 2000...all the way from the west coast to was an awesome trip!

  15. Congratulations, all it take's one first step and you did it well done , hope you enjoy every moment of the future.
    Lovely stitching, hugs.

  16. Congratulations! I really understand what you feel! Have visited Canada several times and love this country! I live in Germany!
    Keep on and greetings

  17. Wonderful stitched piece. Good for you!

  18. I have always loved that stitched design. Do you know if it's still available?
    I am so glad that you decided to make Canada your home. Congrats on your 20 years! If you do manage to make it to the Maritimes this year you will love it! I've yet to visit Newfoundland but I loved the east coast and would like to return there again.

  19. Congrats Evalina! Your stitched piece is beautiful! I've been watching the weather and you've had warmer days than us....please send some our way.

  20. Happy 20th Canadian Anniversary! The Canada cross design is lovely! Do you have it framed on the wall in your home?

  21. Muitos parabéns Evalina um bocado atrasados beijinhos :)

  22. Congratulations that's a great anniversary to celebrate!

  23. What a great piece to celebrate your anniversary with - here's to many more years there!

  24. Happy 20th anniversary to you! Lovely stitching on a pretty design! Glad to have found your blog.

  25. Congratulations on your 20 years in your adopted country! Here's to the next 20!

  26. Congrats on 20 years here in Canada. We are very blessed to have people like you that come to our country and stay making it a more wonderful and diverse place. *hugs*

  27. Happy anniversary! I'd love to see the Maritimes too - haven't gone further than New Brunswick yet, and that was in winter!


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