Monday, December 5, 2011

the weather

This evening I came home exhausted! Out of the blue it got warm. Since I came north I have never seen such temperatures (way above freezing point) in December. I drove to work this morning and it was raining. I was glad because my car got a "free car wash". Did you know that in the whole Yukon we do not have automatic car wash? All of them are the "do yourself" type except one... in that one you drive in to the bay and couple guys come and wash your car while you sit in it. So it is kind of automatic I guess... Back to the weather. It rained all the way to Whitehorse (my commute to work is about 50 miles on Alaska Highway). I parked and started walking to the office. Before I reached the building the rain changed to snow. The temperature dropped about 10 degrees. And it was windy. With the snow blowing I could hardly see the other site of the street.  And it lasted like that a whole day. I worked again late today, I was leaving the office about 8 PM. It was cloudy but not snowing anymore. I walked to the car and what a picture - the car was buried under the snow! Thank goodness for the shovel in the trunk. It took me about 20 minutes to dig my baby out and then a long way back home. The highway was plowed but there was not a grain of sand. Beautiful, shiny black ice and drifting snow... Can you imagine? I do not think that I ever hold wheal so tight. I think my knuckles turned pure white and I had a hard time to straighten my fingers after parking on my driveway... I think I'm still shaking a little.

The good news is that tomorrow the weather is back to normal, cold and sunny!

Goodnight my friends,


  1. oooooo .... glad you made it back safe and holding on that tight will not do your shoulder that much good ... and brrrr to the temps ... love mouse xxxx

  2. Sometimes the weather just amazes me. Glad you got home okay. brrrrr

  3. Glad you made it home safe. It's scary to drive in those sorts of temps.

  4. Glad you made it home safely, I have driven home from work on black ice before so I can relate. The conditions weren't as extreme as yours but I think(I know)I had tears in my eye when I finally got home. Be careful and stay safe.

  5. Oh wow, what a scary ride home for you. I am so glad you finally made it home.

  6. I'm scared just reading about your experience driving home! It's a shame you have to drive 100 miles a day to work.

  7. Oh Evalina, that is just no fun at all that you had to drive in it all! We are expecting some big snow tomorrow and lows in the -17C area. No where near as bad as you guys get and that is what I'll remind myself tomorrow when I'm complaining.
    That it's worse for Evalina.

    Glad you're safe though. *hugs*

  8. glad you made it home safely..
    stay warm and take care ..hugs xx

  9. Nothing worse than driving in the dark on snowy, slippery roads! Glad you made it home!

  10. Oh my! After reading this, I will never complain about my commute ever again. This sounds grueling. Dark, slippery, frigid. So glad for you can you can sometime work from home! No chance of a park and ride where you could meet up with someone and commute together?

  11. That just sounds like no fun at all! We get the odd bit of snow here but thankfully i don't work too far from home so can normally avoid the dodgy roads

  12. Glad you made it home safely! I know how nerve-racking that can be.

  13. Glad you made it home! It is scary to drive in the snow, black ice, and especially at night! I seldom like to go out driving in these kind of weather!


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