Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A to Z challenge: U

U for Ucluelet, a small village on the west coast of Vancouver Island. I have been there once and I hope I can go there again. The place is beautiful all year around but my favorite time is winter when arctic and subtropical air masses collide over the Pacific Ocean, the tempests come one after another slamming into Vancouver Island. It can be as many as 15 storms per month hitting the west coast during winter. I love storms! Can you imagine eight foot high waves pounding the beaches, bringing driftwood, trees and sometimes Japanese glass fishing floats.  Beachcombing after a storm could be fascinating and rewarding. Yeah, definitely I would love to go to Ucluelet in the winter...

So long my friends,


  1. What a beautiful place. Thanks for sharing your lovely pictures.

  2. Some hectic weather in those shots! Though I've always heard from my friends in Vancouver that it can be pretty brisk.

  3. love your destinations! beautiful pics make me want to go see those places! esp tuscany!
    cute pup in header too!

    happy a to z!

  4. Beautiful pictures! Visiting from A-Z

  5. Beautiful shots, Evalina. Ucluelet charmed me when we visited the west side of Vancouver Island. We stayed in Tofino and then drove about to Wreck Beach, Ucluelet and a great hike through the Rainforest on a raised platform (to protect the forest floor). The power of the water and the wind on the west coast is amazing. We stayed at a little spot called Duffin Cove.

    Very Nice U post!

  6. Beautiful pictures! They look like scenes from a painting.

  7. Spectacular pictures! You've been doing great with teh A-Z Challenge, I have been enjoying your destinations 8-)

  8. Sounds like another great place that you can take me.


  9. That looks amazing! Thanks for sharing! Happy A-to-Z 2013! ~Angela, Whole Foods Living,

  10. I have wanted to get up there! Your pictures make me want to go now! I have been enjoying the trips!

  11. Very lovely pictures. I would adore seeing what washed ashore after the storms.

  12. Incredibly beautiful and great photos.


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